At the 2021-2022 Academic Year Opening and Award Ceremony organized by our university; In the category of 2020-2021 Young Science and Art Person Awards from our Faculty; Assoc. Dr. Eyüp Eren Gültepe, in the category of Patent Awards; prof. Dr. Cenker Çağrı Cıngı, Assoc. Dr. Recep Kara and Assoc. Dr. Mustafa Kabu, in the category of European Union Project Awards; prof. Dr. Zehra Bozkurt, in the category of Contribution to the Institution; prof. Dr. Esma Kozan and İrem Varol were awarded in the Exemplary Student Awards category.

Our Rectorate presented the “Professorship Certificate” to 22 faculty members who were promoted to the title of professor in our faculty in 2020-2021.

We congratulate our faculty members and wish them continued success.



05 November 2021, Friday 435 kez görüntülendi