Aim 1. Providing Education and Training at International Level and Producing Quality Service

Goal 1. To carry out work on the approval of the accreditation of our faculty by the European Association of Veterinary Education Institutions – EAEVE until 2023 at the latest.

Goal 2. To ensure that the curriculum is updated in line with the needs.

Goal 3. Evaluating the success status of all courses at the end of the semester and determining new criteria in order to increase success and quality in this direction.

Goal 4. To increase interdisciplinary interaction in undergraduate and graduate programs.

Goal 5. To create an open course material database for the courses of each department on the web page of our faculty and to keep our website up-to-date.

Goal 6. To strengthen the infrastructure of our faculty. For this purpose, with the revision of our Animal Hospital, to develop a new hospital and additional building project that can appeal to the next 50 years and ensure that it is included in the investment budget. In addition, to increase the variety of products and the amount produced with the revision to be carried out in the dairy unit. Strengthening the infrastructure of the farm (irrigation system, security, fertilizer, new barn, roaming chicken project etc.).

Goal 7. To ensure that those who need maintenance, repair and renewal among the existing open and closed physical areas related to education and training within the plan period, maintain, repair and renew every year.

Goal 8. To provide maintenance and repair of information technologies, machinery-equipment, school and office equipment, fixtures and furnishings related to education until the end of the plan period. To strengthen the technical infrastructure of the faculty and related units.

Goal 9. Increasing the number of students and lecturers who benefit from student and teaching staff exchange within the framework of LLP / ERASMUS programs at universities and various institutions in European Union countries

Goal 10. To continue working towards institutionalization.


Aim 2. Producing Quality Information by Scientific Research and Publication

Goal 1. To encourage each faculty member to publish at least one publication per year in national and international peer-reviewed journals.

Goal 2. To encourage academic staff to produce projects supported by national and international organizations.

Goal 3. To enable the application and research centers of our faculty (Education, Research and Application Farm, Milk and Dairy Products Unit, Diagnosis and Analysis Laboratory) to work more effectively in meeting the needs of the region and the region.

Goal 4. To increase the cooperation with the sectors, to ensure that the academic staff participate in the R&D activities in TEKNO-PARK, which was established within the body of our University, to develop the regional economy, to develop the regional industry, and to make it competitive nationally and internationally.


Aim 3. Accelerating the Works in Areas That Will Contribute to the Stakeholders

Goal 1. To organize anniversary events and programs on issues related to our profession such as “World Veterinarians Day” and “World Milk Day”, with the participation of Independent Veterinarians, Provincial Directorate of Agriculture and Chamber of Veterinarians, with the students.

Goal 2. Under the name of “Professional Sharing Days”, to bring together our colleagues or stakeholders who have made a difference in their field and accomplished successful works, and our students within the framework of a certain calendar.

Goal 3. To increase the number of existing standards (AKÜ Store), improve quality and develop new products regarding animal food products produced in Afyonkarahisar

Goal 4. To organize training programs and events (courses and seminars) for the people of the region in order to share information with the sectors in order to continuously improve the faculty-public cooperation

Goal 5. To use national and local media tools effectively to promote and share the activities of our faculty.

Goal 6. To support the development of existing student clubs, to encourage the establishment of new clubs and activities to be carried out in this regard.

Goal 7. To provide the consultancy support of the lecturers in order to orient the students towards social, artistic and cultural activities.

Goal 8. Establishing a “follow-up system” with the alumni and enabling effective exchange of current information.

13 November 2017, Monday 2961 kez görüntülendi