Dear Students,


AKU Veterinary Faculty, with its strong infrastructure and experienced academic staff, provides services and makes positive contributions to our province, region and country in Afyonkarahisar, one of the important livestock centers of our country, within the framework of its own area of ​​interest. Our faculty, which prioritizes quality, has adopted an education approach that is suitable for the conditions of the country and the world. Our approach and planning is completely student-centered. Within the framework of university-industry cooperation, as the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, our cooperation with important institutions within the sector continues to increase day by day. Our aim is to prepare you for real life as much as possible and to send you equipped for your post-faculty life.

Do not forget; It is possible to see veterinarians among us who have achieved success in all segments of society. Veterinarians in politics, bureaucracy, commerce and decision-making positions exist today as they were yesterday and will continue to exist. Graduates of our Faculty of Veterinary Medicine are also involved in almost all of these fields I have mentioned and have achieved success. Our relations with our graduates will continue at the highest level in the future, as they did yesterday.

We all know how valuable the veterinary profession is. With a little research, this can easily be revealed. Our graduates can find jobs in many fields. According to Statistical Institute data, Veterinary Medicine is among the professions with the highest employment rate. Our profession, which is not only related to animal health, but also directly to human health, exists in many areas from food to medicine, from field to table, from barracks to campus.

As a faculty, we attach great importance to student and alumni relations. We know that the strong bond established between you and us is extremely important in terms of our integration into our city, region, country and the world. In this context; We always expect the support of our students, graduates and of course the very valuable people of Afyonkarahisar. This is a requirement for the development of our faculty and for reaching the place it deserves as soon as possible. If we can be together, AKU Veterinary Faculty is poised to become a significant added value tool in a short time, primarily for our Afyonkarahisar, which is the center of animal husbandry, and then for our region and country.

In the upcoming period, production will be supported, renewed, infrastructure facilities will be developed in our farm, dairy unit and animal hospital within our means, as I mentioned above, university-industry cooperation will be given importance for our faculty, and a project-based development model will be adopted.

My dear fellow students; Always be at the disposal and service of our beloved and great Nation. You should know that societies that protect their national and spiritual values ​​can only rise. Please take every step with thought. Do not leave your mind and opinion under the will of anyone. Do your job in the most correct way and be a loyal citizen of the Republic of Turkey.

Our door is always open to you, my dear fellow students.


Prof. Dr. Turan Civelek


12 November 2015, Thursday 6216 kez görüntülendi