Our Vision

Our main vision is to be a faculty that has provided to able to adapt changing and developing country and world conditions, oriented towards advanced specialization, open to lifelong learning, achieving high-level standards and producing quality service, carrying out high affairs and working at national and international level, caring about stakeholder relations, university-industry cooperation and maintains it at the highest level, being pioneer in undergraduate and graduate education and has high quality, and is fully integrated to its province, region, country and the world.

Our Mission

Our main mission is that training veterinarians who are loyal to the Republic of Turkey, Atatürk’s Principles and Revolutions, national and spiritual values, offers the knowledge and experience he has acquired within the framework of the educational principles required by the necessities of the time, to the service of humanity, has a strong cultural and moral structure, and has the qualities that can be shown as an example with his professional knowledge and skills as well as his high human qualities.

Our Goals

  1. To carry out work on the approval of the accreditation of our faculty by the European Association of Veterinary Education Institutions – EAEVE until 2023.
  2. To encourage each faculty member to publish at least one publication per year in national and international peer-reviewed journals.
  3. Evaluating the success status of all courses at the end of the semester and determining new criteria in order to increase success and quality in this direction every year.
  4. To increase the cooperation with the sectors, to ensure the participation of the lecturers in the R&D activities at technopark, which was established within the body of our University, to develop the regional economy and the regional industry, and to make it competitive nationally and internationally.
  5. To create a material database for the courses of each department on the web page of our faculty, to keep our website up-to-date.
  6. To strengthen the infrastructure of our faculty. For this purpose, with the revision of our Animal Hospital, to develop a new hospital and additional building project that can appeal to the next 50 years and ensure that it is included in the investment budget.
  7. To increase the number of existing standards (AKÜ Store) regarding animal food products produced in Afyonkarahisar, to improve quality and to develop new products.
  8. Establishing a “follow-up system” with the alumni and making effective exchange of current information.
  9. Increasing the number of students and lecturers who benefit from Exchange programs within the framework of LLP / ERASMUS program at universities and various institutions in European Union countries.
  10. To encourage the production of projects supported by national and international organizations of faculty members.
12 November 2015, Thursday 3073 kez görüntülendi